Renowned Economist, Vicky Pryce, joins Qodeo’s Advisory Board

We are excited to announce that the esteemed economist, Vicky Pryce, has recently joined Qodeo’s advisory board.

Vicky is one of the UK’s leading economists. She is currently the Chief Economic Adviser and board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR). Previously she was Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, (BIS) and Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service.

Vicky held senior economic positions in banking and the oil sector before becoming a Partner and Chief Economic Adviser at KPMG. She currently holds several academic positions and sits on the advisory board of the central banking think-tank OMFIF.

She is also a regular media commentator on radio and TV and has also successfully authored a number of books, including ‘Women Versus Capitalism’ ‘Greekonomics’ and ‘It’s the economy, stupid’.

“Qodeo’s mission to ‘democratize venture’ is a worthy cause and one that is aligned with my own interests. I have long been an advocate of addressing the inequalities women face in our economy, and my work with GoodCorporation on business ethics, highlights time and again how women are just one of the many communities facing obstacles and discrimination – to the detriment of business and economic success,” says Vicky Pryce. “It is my absolute pleasure to join Qodeo’s advisory board, and support underserved entrepreneurs gain access to funding.”

Simon Glass, Founder and CEO of Qodeo, is delighted to welcome Vicky onboard, “Vicky is a true leader in her field. She will bring unrivalled expertise to our advisory board and we are thrilled that she has joined the team. Her joining is further testament to the critical nature of what we’re trying to achieve – helping ALL entrepreneurs gain access to investors, and not just the select few who are members of Old Boys Clubs.”

Vicky joins the array of world-class talent already on Qodeo’s advisory board, including Lord Bilimoria (Founder of Cobra Beer & co-founder of India’s Global Advisory Council), Prof Josh Lerner (Professor of Investment Banking at Harvard Business School), Shironda A White (Founder of cupcake therapy & CauseEDU), Julian Ha (Partner with Heidrick & Struggles) and Stephen W Fusi (Chief Brand Officer of North Carolina Central University, an historically black college and university (HBCU), in Durham, USA).

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