Find the right investor for your business
Qodeo instantly matches you with investors that best-fit your company’s profile, from over 7,300 VC and PE firms globally. Now you can easily find your perfect match.
Whatever your size, Qodeo saves you time and makes sure you’re starting an investment relationship that lasts

$6,006 Billion
Funds Under Management with investors on our platform
Entrepreneurs from startups to mid-sized companies
VC and PE investors to match with, across 18 countries

Clear, simple, fast
Create a profile in a few easy steps and our smart algorithms will match you with best-fit investors

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Connect to the right investor
Stop sending out hundreds of hopeful emails that go nowhere, and instead identify and reach out to venture capital and private equity investors that fit your profile
saved by identifying the right investors to talk to immediately
in person investor interviews
Investors use us, to find you
Qodeo profiles have been designed in conversation with leading investment firms. Having a profile on Qodeo presents you to investors in the ideal format and structure, making it easier for them to promote you to their decision-making bodies.
Democratizing venture
Qodeo’s diverse global reach creates matching opportunities that were previously impossible to find. Qodeo levels the playing field, enabling all entrepreneurs to connect with relevant investors – including those that are regional and diverse with limited access to traditional VC networks.

At 9.95 a month, Qodeo’s a no brainer!
Managing Partner, VC, Boston
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- Listing on Qodeo
- Match Notifications
- Unlimited Contacts
- Unlimited Searches of Qodeo’s VC/PE firm database
- Desktop or app-based access to Qodeo
- All of Pro, plus
- Personal review of your profile to increase Qodeo ‘matchability’
- Full access to Qodeo Foresight market report library
- VIP invitations to select Qodeo events and webinars
- Downloadable lists of search results
“For entrepreneurs, Qodeo saves hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars finding the right investor.”
Stephen W Fusi
Industrialist turned educator
“Qodeo addresses challenges many entrepreneurs face when they’re seeking capital, as well as the challenges investors face”
Sir Harvey McGrath
Formerly Chairman & Chief Executive of the Man Group,
Formerly Chairman of Prudential.
Qodeo played an instrumental role in demystifying the fundraising process for me, helping me build valuable connections with investors who truly understood Cactus.
James Robinson, Founder of Cactus
A strong leadership team of entrepreneurship & venture experts

Simon Glass
CEO and
Experienced banker
and VC expert

Lord Bilimoria
Founder of
Cobra Beer

Shironda White
Serial entrepreneur,
investor & educator

Julian Ha
Partner, Heidrick
& Struggles

Stephen Fusi
MD, Center for
Duke University

Anamarie Pantea
Expert in EU
innovation programs

Josh Lerner
Prof. of Investment
Banking, HBS
Research partnerships with world-leading business schools

Research partnerships with world-leading business schools

Start your funding journey today
Qodeo’s mission is to democratize venture, giving all entrepreneurs access to venture capital and private equity firms that they would otherwise struggle to connect with. In parallel, investors can find hidden gems, with potentially high returns, that are beyond their traditional networks. There is no catch. The price is low (see our Pricing page) as we want to be accessible to millions of entrepreneurs across the world.
No, we don’t charge any commission or manage the investment process. Qodeo fast tracks the fundraising process by identifying who you should be talking to and giving you the tools to connect with them via our mobile app or desktop platform (subject to the recipient’s contact preferences).
Think of Qodeo like LinkedIn or a dating app. We make you aware of entrepreneurs or investors that are likely to be a good fit for you. We are not involved in the resulting deals and it’s up to you if you want to take your funding relationship further.
No, Qodeo is not a crowdfunding platform. We don’t offer any funding directly from our platform but identify which VC and PE firms are likely to be a good fit for companies on the platform.
No. Qodeo is for any entrepreneur looking to raise funds (now or in the future) from VC or PE firms, however diverse and regional entrepreneurs often find that much harder as they don’t have access to established VC networks. We want to flatten the barriers to funding access for all entrepreneurs, while also giving investors visibility of businesses well beyond their own networks.
Matching is the process where our smart, AI-enabled algorithms use the data in entrepreneur and investor profiles to find best-fit funding opportunities, quickly. Qodeo automatically filters through thousands of opportunities to create matches and ranks these as Hot, Warm or Cool, depending on how good a match they are. And these matches are updated each time a profile is changed on Qodeo, even if the change was only small.
- Hot matches are rare as they are a perfect match.
- Warm matches can vary in quality as, by definition, some of the criteria don’t match. We recommend reaching out to these matches after you have reviewed their profiles to see if the discrepancy is minor or a showstopper.
- Cool matches have fewer matching criteria and are not those we’d recommend focusing on. It’s still worth keeping an eye on them, however, to see if they materialize into warmer matches or as a way of discovering the odd diamond in the rough.
Yes, you can easily search for investors or entrepreneurs in Qodeo from our robust database of thousands of investors and tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, however we recommend using matching instead as that actually grades the extent to which there is a good fit between entrepreneurs and investors.
Search results don’t consider what the other side is looking for and whether your requirements are aligned. Matching, on the other hand, gives you a curated list, based on the preferences that you, and the organizations you’re looking for, have defined. It cancels the noise, saves you time and money chasing the wrong companies and instantly identifies the best-fit companies that are most likely to materialize into a deal.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our investor data that we compile by combining quantitative data from partners and the public domain with proprietary qualitative data from face-to-face investor interviews. In fact, to date we have (in conjunction with our research alliance partners) interviewed over 1,000 of the investors on our platform, and that number is constantly growing.
Yes! Once you’ve signed up for Qodeo you can download Qodeo for Apple devices from Apple’s App store or for Android devices, from Google Play to enjoy all of Qodeo’s functionality while on the go. Via the apps you can also message investors or entrepreneurs directly from within Qodeo (subject to their contact preferences) – a feature we’ll soon be adding to our browser based ‘Contact Request’ feature.
For help actually using Qodeo please see the FAQs inside the platform or contact us.